It's me, Ronae

It's me, Ronae

Friday, April 30, 2010

I miss you, Tatay...

Today my family and I went swimming to have a post-celebration of my nephew Ned's 3rd b-day.
Last year, we also went swimming. This time, it's different. Totally different...because Tatay's no longer here. :(

I miss you, Tatay. I could still remember how you enjoyed the waters every time we had a family outing because you were a good swimmer. Though you were not as robust as you were during your prime years in the navy, you did not forget your love for swimming. You were my first swimming teacher, did you know that? It took me a very long time to finally learn it in college, yes --but I would always count you as my first instructor.

I knew you were with us earlier, Tay. I knew you were watching over my pamangkins (your apos) and the rest of the kids. I felt your presence.

I miss you, Tay. Please continue to guide and pray for us your family.

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