It's me, Ronae

It's me, Ronae

Friday, April 23, 2010

my first ever blog posted 2 yrs ago...

As the title goes, the piece below was my first ever blog i posted on, about 2 years ago. I just feel like posting here as well because well, it's memorable. Chozz! :)


Whoa. This is it. I have finally sat down to start creating my own blog. My own. Whoa.

So what should I post here first? Hmm..something funny? It should be something creative. Nah, something simple will do. Just like ME -simple, period. Okay, okay...I'm definitely not being creative here. Maybe I'm just a bit out of sorts lately. With all the things going on at work, stuffs to handle at home...jeezz, it's a totally different story...

Allrighty, I'll start introducing myself. You can call me Ronae (Roh-neigh). I can bet my whole life that no one else in this planet uses this nickname - HAH! I got ya there, smug. History of the nick? Well, back in high school they used to call me 'Onay', then i had a crush on a younger stude named 'Ronnie' (ok, wherever you are, it's time for you to know..) so my friends and I combined the names to come up with a cuter nick (or that's what we thought, y'know - it's a high school thing). So there came 'Onae' - adopting the 'e' from Ronnie (brilliant, right?lol). Then when I started working, I figured it's more mature-sounding (read:sophisticated) to add an R - so there goes Ronae. My high school classmates still call me Onae/Onay. At home, they call me Ona. At work, it's either Ronae or Roni. 'Roni', by the way, is the name I use on the phone when talking to customers. SOooo...With all these said, pluuzzee just call meRONAE. Okei?

I am 27 going on 28 in November. If I could tell God something this very moment, I'd say - "Stop the clock!" Haha, just kidding. I've learned a lesson - be careful what you wish for,lol. Although my life's pretty boring (yeah, you read it - boring), I can say that it's not generally dull. Why? 'Coz I've got a pretty good bunch of friends, I'm surrounded with positivity -meaning I stay away from negative aura as much as possible, I perceive what I do everyday as fun - because I enjoy and have fun with people I work with and find time with my family. Then why the heck did I say it's 'pretty boring'?? Well, maybe it's because I've become very comfortable that everything seems a routine already, that sometimes I desire to feel something feel love, be loved back... Got the message now? A million bucks for you - I don't have a love life. Bummer.

Talking about love life. They say I'm choosy. I am so not! I just don't want to be put in a situation where I need to be the aggressive one. They say I am conservative. Okay fine, that I can agree to. I am shy and certainly don't want to be at the center of attention, nor the first to do the move. Sigh, I know, I know - this attitude will get me nowhere or will get me no guy - but what can I do? I am still a romantic at heart, and in my heart of hearts, I wish for a spark, that magical electric feeling that will sweep me off my feet - that it will come to me and not the other way around. So paging fairy godmother - come on, the clock is ticking!

Y'know a secret? This is the first time I've talked about my love life - hell, what I mean is 'the lack of it' - with anyone. Maybe because this is my first blog?? Haha, maybe. Well then this is gonna be the first of many - and I'm not saying it'll all just be about the 'lack of it', goodness gracious, no. (It's like putting more salt on the wound, right?). I hope to write here the events of my life -my dreams, my all.

Start looking into me. You will see the real me. Come and journey with ME.


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